(Top: H&M)
I've been having what I call "mellow weekends" lately. It began about 3 weeks ago when I went WAY too hard for my girl Brittney's birthday party. That night was kind of a last straw or last hooray for my entirely too active social nightlife. I just got to a point where I was sick of being sleep deprived, getting home while the sun was rising, having bad skin because I'd be too tired to remove my makeup, and not being my best me. So I decided I'm not gonna go out, or at least not go hard, until Summer! Instead of indulging in adult activities between the hours of 10pm and 5am, I've been doing things like hiking, going to lunch with friends, catching up with old friends, reading, shopping, and Youtube of course! It's really refreshing to go to bed at a reasonable hour and wake up early in the morning to a cup of coffee and a good spiritual book to program my subconscious mind, prepare me for my day, and keep me on my path.
This weekend was no different from the past 3 weekends and in fact, Saturdays seem to be becoming "Brittney and Jessica" days as I'm trying to coax her into participating in mellow weekends as well. So before a soccer game Saturday night, we snapped a few shots of each other at a park. I dyed my newest Lush Locks extensions Friday and I was super anxious to wear them and take pictures for my blog and Instagram of course LOL. My ombre extensions seemed so beachy so I threw on jeans and a crop top to match. While at my place waiting for me to get dressed, Jessica said, "I bet you're in heaven right now being that you're wearing a crop top." LOL she's right though. I LOVE crop tops! Summer, where art thou?