Don't you hate when you ask someone to take pictures of you and they do it carelessly and you end up with stupid shots of your hair covering your face or you making weird faces? Yeah, that's what happened to me yesterday. My "photographer" was being lazy and rushing and it pissed me off and I'm still mad about it. If I ask someone to do something for me I need them to put 100% into it or else it's pointless. And that's how it felt. I wanted to show you all Malaga Cove in Palos Verdes, CA but my video camera died within 10 seconds of recording then I got a bunch of "ok" shots. My "photographer's" excuse was that he had to be at work in a few hours so he was rushing and that brings me to the lesson of the day:
When someone asks for a favor, asks for your opinion, or anything of that nature BE 100% REAL AND HONEST. If you're not honest and real, you don't get what you want. So how does this relate to my "just ok" pictures? Well, when I first asked my friend if he wanted to come with me to the cove, he should've just said no, that he didn't think he'd have time. And when I sensed that he didn't really want to go, that he was just doing it to satisfy me or get it over with and I asked him again he DEFINITELY should've declined. But then again I should've went with my sixth sense, the vibes I was getting from him, and just decided on my own that we shouldn't go. So the fact that he wasn't honest about not wanting to go created more problems once we got there and it totally killed my mood in such a peaceful place because I felt rushed and I felt like he wasn't trying. And when you're mad you're going to look mad in photos. Being real, blunt, and honest solves problems. Remember that. Don't be passive aggressive. Passive aggressiveness is for weak people. State how you feel or what you think clearly and openly or you don't get anywhere. I'm beginning to realize that society has an issue with being real as if it's a bad thing. Don't worry about stepping on toes if it means you make progress. For instance, if I have one friend who's telling me they have an issue with another friend of theirs and they tell me the issue then ask, "Well what should I say to her?" and my answer is always to tell her EXACTLY what you told me! You'd think it would be obvious, right? If my friend was 100% open and honest about the issue with the other person, they could get it solved! Simple as that! When you sugarcoat or cover things up, it creates more problems on top of problems and a false reality and who likes fake? Not me! It's funny when a lot of people say that I'm too blunt or even rude when I'm just doing what we're supposed to by being REAL. Being open, honest, and real is how we're meant to be. Since when did not expressing our true emotions become the norm?
The second lesson for today, and I'm sure you've heard this before, put 100% into whatever you do or don't do it at all. What's the point of producing mediocre work? If you're doing something that you're passionate about, give 100% or your effort is pointless. Why just get by when you can be amazing with the help of a little effort? And if you're doing someone a favor, put 100% into it or don't do the favor at all. If you don't put in 100% it's not even worth the hassle i.e. yesterday at Malaga Cove I wasn't satisfied with my pictures so I'm going to want to go back anyway when I could've just got what I wanted the first time. If you don't want to do something, don't. If you do, put your all into it otherwise it's a waste.
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